Irish Post founded by Brendan Mac Lua
Just under 1 million people living in Britain born in Ireland.
Bloodiest year of the conflict in Northern Ireland.
Anti-Irish attacks and police raids of Irish clubs in Britain reported in Irish Post.
British soldiers shoot 26 unarmed civil rights demonstrators in Derry, killing 14, on what becomes known as Bloody Sunday (30 January).
Foundation of Federation of Irish Societies (June).
United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland both join the European Economic Community.
Prevention of Terrorism Act becomes law
Rise in anti-Irish attacks in aftermath of Guildford and Birmingham bombings
Guildford Four and Maguire Seven arrested under Prevention of Terrorism Act
British-Irish relations reach new low as Ireland takes United Kingdom to European Court of Human Rights for torture of internees
Economic crisis in Ireland leads to high numbers of youth emigration, peaking at end of the decade
Federation of Irish Societies responds to changing demographics with campaigns on welfare, discrimination, youth and employment
Abortion referendum passes in Republic of Ireland effectively criminalising abortion
Federation campaigns on repatriation of Irish prisoners
Anglo-Irish Agreement signed giving the Republic of Ireland a role in the governance of Northern Ireland in exchange for recognising UK jurisdiction
Irish World newspaper founded by Paddy Cowan, focusing particularly on Irish sport and culture in Britain
First undergraduates and postgraduate studies start at Irish Studies Centre, Polytechnic of North London and Institute of Irish Studies, Liverpool University
Guildford Four released from prison
70,600 emigrate from the Republic of Ireland in total whilst 15,600 emigrate from Northern Ireland to Britain
Mary Robinson becomes first female President of Ireland and lights a candle in her window to recognise the Irish diaspora
Jack Charlton’s Ireland team, featuring 16 British-born Irish footballers, reaches quarter-finals of the World Cup in Italy
Birmingham Six released from prison
IRA bombs in Warrington prompt condemnation by Federation of Irish Societies
Decriminalisation of homosexuality in Republic of Ireland
Riverdance at Eurovision Song Contest popularises Irish dance across the diaspora and enhances perception of Irish culture abroad
Mary Robinson speech in which she says the Irish diaspora “remain, even while absent, a precious reflection of our growth and change, a precious reminder of the many strands of identity which compose our story”
Divorce referendum passes in Republic of Ireland removing constitutional prohibition on divorce
Belfast (Good Friday) Agreement signed
Irish included as ethnicity on UK census for the first time
Financial crash ends ‘Celtic Tiger’ era triggering return to large-scale emigration from Republic of Ireland
Federation of Irish Societies initiates Cuimhne memory loss campaign and Irish survivors in Britain project
Federation of Irish Societies becomes Irish in Britain
Marriage Equality referendum passes in Republic of Ireland, making it the world’s first country to legalise same-sex marriage through a popular vote
Brexit referendum initiates series of constitutional problems relating to the Irish border
Abortion referendum passes in Republic of Ireland to repeal the Eighth Amendment and remove constitutional ban on abortion
Irish community in Britain plays vital role during Covid-19 pandemic